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Terms And Conditions

  • The Terms and conditions folllow the use of access to this"Newyork Apartment For Rent" and the Services in Website. The Website are jointly referred to as the"Platform"
  • Terms and conditions are intended to inform the user about the specific rights, limitations, conditions and privileges of a product or service offered. These are specified in the terms and conditions agreement as well as in the underlying operating agreement, which is usually a separate document. The user guidelines describe the manner in which the company will deal with complaints or problems, and these can also include detailed information on how to make use of the services and the procedures to follow. In some cases, these guidelines are incorporated into the operating agreement itself. However, most such clauses can be considered independent of the operating agreement and have to be agreed upon separately
  • The Terms conditions a relates and enforceable legal arrangement involving Designer Foundation Infratech Private Ltd and customers of the Services, for example Person's use of all properties, Services, products, whether available over the net or otherwise, that are owned or operated by Newyork Apartment For Rent and all goods and Services available from Newyork Apartment For Rent Infratech Private Ltd
  • A User or any customer of the Services represents and warrants You have full legal capacity and ability to agree and adapting yourself to such Terms, are eighteen years old or older, and are an Indian resident. If You represent an entity, company, or any legal person, You confirm and represent that You have the necessary power and authority to bind such entity, organisation, or legal person to such Terms.
  • The Conditions also include our privacy policy, available at along with some other recommendations, additional provisions, policies, or disclaimers offered or issued by us from time to time. These statements may be updated by us, without notice to you and the statements, as amended, shall apply for your requirements personally from time to time. You can always review the most current version of the statements on the Platform
  • Using our services, You agree that You have read, understood, and are bound by these Terms, and you comply with the requirements listed herein. If You do not accept each of these Terms or comply with the requirements , please don't get into the Platform or utilize the Services

Construction, Interior Design & Renovation services

  • Designer Foundation Infratech Private Ltd will work as a project first-class for the Project and provide services throughout the architect, contractors, etc.. A project partner selected by Buildhhod will likely be responsible for supply of construction, Interior design & Renovation products and services.
  • Job is subject to approval by the relevant governmental authorities. You are responsible to get all necessary government permits, licenses and approvals. Designer Foundation may Help You in obtaining these blessings
  • Project is subject to approval from the relevant governmental authorities. You are responsible to obtain all necessary government permits, licenses and approvals. Designer Foundation may assist you in obtaining these approvals
  • GST and some other taxes as applicable as Government policies, will send Price quotation for all services
  • Designer Foundation infratech pvt ltd will publish clients partners on buildhhod website & social Media websites

Customer Responsibilties

  • It is the customer duty to provide accurate and complete relevant data, as may become necessary for correct process of the work. We are normally accountable for the correct layout and execution of the work.
  • We may record your every calls to our call center.
  • Designer Foundation may be entitled at any time without giving any reason to terminate the booking of services done by User.
  • Designer Foundation collect user data including name, contact information and other details to facilitate the Services or use of construction services, Interior design & renovation work
  • (*) Indicates in the pricing section : 4.5% GST is applicable on the mentioned prices.


  • 2D elevation: Sketchup Image.
  • Structural design: Drawings will provide as listed and revisions not allowed once completed.
  • Working drawings: Floor plan and elevation working drawings will be provided.
  • Electrical drawings: maximum 2 revisions allowed.
  • Plumbing drawings: maximum 2 revisions allowed.
  • Furniture layout: 2D furniture layout.
  • Design until satisfied: This will expire after 3-months.
  • GST: 18% GST is applicable on the mentioned Prices.
  • Advance: 50% payment has to be done as advance.

Plans and Specifications

  • Copyright and ownership in all drawings, specifications and other technical information provided by Contract in connection with the contract is vested in Contract. Where Contract has followed plans and specifications provided by the Customer or their agent, the Customer shall indemnify Contract against all damages, penalties, costs and expenses in respect of which Contract may become liable through the utilisation of those plans and specifications.

Quotation and Acceptance

  • Contract shall produce a formal quotation for the Customer for the Building Work. The quotation shall be subject to the clarifications and exclusions set out in the documentation accompanying these terms and conditions and shall be valid for a period of thirty (30) days from the date specified on the quotation.
  • The Customer shall accept the quotation by signing the acceptance form accompanying the quotation and signing a copy of any plans and specifications attached to the quotation, if provided. The acceptance of the quotation in the manner specified in this clause shall constitute a binding contract and acceptance of the terms and conditions contained herein.


  • Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, no variation or alteration to the scope of the Building Work shall be binding on the parties unless recorded in writing and signed by both parties, including any adjustment to the contract price.
  • Any changes required as a result of any ambiguous drawings or any other documentation provided by the Customer or their agent will be treated as a variation to the Building Work.


  • In the event that the Customer wishes to cancel the contract for the Building Work at any time after acceptance of the quotation, the Customer shall pay all actual and reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Contract together with a reasonable administration fee, provided that the Customer shall not be entitled to cancel the contract once the Building Work has commenced without the prior consent in writing of Contract.
  • Contract shall, without any liability, and without any prejudice to any other right it has in law or equity, have the right by notice to suspend or cancel in whole or in part any contract for the supply of goods or services to the Customer if the Customer fails to pay any money owing after the due date, or if the Customer commits an act of bankruptcy as defined in section 19 of the Insolvency Act 2006, or if liquidation proceedings are commenced in relation to the Customer, or if the Customer shall otherwise become bankrupt or insolvent, or if any other event occurs which evidences a lack of credit worthiness or insolvency on the part of the Customer. Any cancellation or suspension by Contract pursuant to this clause shall not affect Contract’s claim for money due at the time of cancellation or suspension or for damages for any breach of any terms of this contract or the Customer’s obligations to Contract under these terms and conditions.


  • The price of the Building Work shall be the price stated in the quotation together with all extras selected by the Customer and subject to variation in accordance with clause. The price quoted for the Building Work excludes GST. GST shall be payable by the Customer in addition to the price quoted.
  • Where no price is stated in writing or agreed, the goods and/or services shall be deemed to be sold and/or supplied at the current price applying at the date upon which the invoice for the goods or services is issued to the Customer.
  • Notwithstanding anything contained in this clause or the quotation, the price of the goods and/or services may be increased by the amount of any reasonable increase in cost of supply of the goods or services between the date upon which the quotation is delivered to the Customer and the date upon which the goods or services are supplied and where such increase is beyond the reasonable control of Contract.


  • All invoices for progress payments will be prepared to meet the provisions of the Construction Contracts Act 2002. All invoices issued pursuant to the contract shall be in the form of a payment claim within the meaning of the Construction Contracts Act 2002. The Customer is hereby put on notice of the requirements of the Construction Contracts Act 2002 in terms of the issuing of payment schedules.
  • Contract reserves the right to charge interest on all overdue accounts at the daily rate of 1.75 times Contract’s bank total overdraft interest rate from the due date for payment until the date when payment is actually made and all expenses and costs (including legal costs as between solicitor and client and debt collection fees) incurred by Contract in obtaining or attempting to obtain a remedy for the failure to pay.
  • The Customer may not deduct or withhold any amount (whether by way of a set-off, counterclaim or otherwise) from any money owing to Contract.
  • Receipt of a cheque, bill of exchange, or other negotiable instrument shall not constitute payment until such negotiable instrument is paid in full.
  • The Customer expressly acknowledges that no retentions shall apply unless provision for a retention is incorporated within the prevailing Conditions of Contract.

Commencement and Completion

  • The Customer acknowledges that any estimates as to the time frames for the commencement and completion of the Building Work are approximate only. Contract will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure the Building Work is commenced and completed within the time frame specified but shall not be liable for any delay or failure to do so. Contract shall not be responsible for any delays caused by separate or nominated subcontractors. Should any delays occur the Customer agrees that all costs incurred by Contract and resulting from such delays will be charged as a variation to the contract price.


  • Ownership of any goods and/or materials supplied as part of the Building Work shall not pass to the Customer until all amounts owing by the Customer to Contract in respect of the goods and/or materials have been paid in full.
  • The Customer acknowledges and agrees that by assenting to these terms & conditions, the Customer grants a Purchase Money Security Interest to Contract, as that term is defined in the Personal Property Securities Act 1999 (“PPSA”), in all goods and/or materials supplied by Contract to the Customer.
  • The Customer irrevocably undertakes to sign any further documents and/or provide any further information (which information the Customer warrants to be complete, accurate and up-to-date in all respects) which Contract may reasonably require to enable registration of a financing statement or financing change statement on the Personal Property Securities Register. The costs of registering a financing statement or a financing change statement shall be met by the Customer and may, where applicable, be debited against the Customer’s credit account with Contract. The Customer shall not agree to allow any person to register a financing statement over any of the goods supplied by Contract without the prior written consent of Contract and will immediately notify Contract in writing if the Customer becomes aware of any person taking steps to register a financing statement in relation to such goods
  • The Customer will be responsible to Contract for any costs or damages incurred in reclaiming and disposing of the unpaid goods and/or materials. Such costs include but are not limited to loss in value, cost or repossession, damaged premises and recovery, storage, resale and legal costs, on a solicitor and client basis. These costs shall be recoverable as a debt due to Contract by the Customer.

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